Local 67 understands the importance of being politically active. Our union's involvement in legislative issues and our members' Local 67 Political Action Committees are vital if we intend to succeed in our constant battle for the good paying jobs and safe working conditions that our members deserve. When our members participate in Labor Walks, lobby days or simply gather together at town hall meetings, we create a foundation along with strong relationships that are essential in the lobbying for important legislation that benefits all working men and women.
This type of environment not only helps Local 67's union membership, but all other unions and non-union working people alike. When seeking support of key political figures, we must first show that we are familiar with the issues in order for them to take serious action. Elected officials often witness Local 67 members mobilizing in great numbers in support of MIA legislation or candidate support. The elected officials often witnessed Local 67 members mobilizing in great numbers in support of new legislation or candidate. The political community instantly recognizes how valuable we are in the political process. When we lobby for laws to protect working people, elected officials are often reminded of the impact that once that was demonstrated through our Political efforts. They know that when we care about an issue or a cause, we commit our full support to whatever and whenever necessary.
To get involved with the Local 67's Political Action Committee, or to find out how you can help your union gain a local, state, and federal legislation, contact your local Union or attend a General Membership meeting and discuss politics there. And remember, when it comes to politics, all politics are local!
It is imperative to contact your elected officials when important issues arise. To contact them now click the link below.